Honeywell CC-TDIL01 数字输入板 PLC模块
1) WD 的功能是当存在可能导致危险情形发生的故障时,确保输出进入安全状态。
2) WD 监视的系统参数包括:
① 应用程序一个循环的zui大执行时间。确保程序正确执行,而没有进入死循环。
② 应用程序一个循环的zui小执行时间。确保程序正确执行,而没有出现跳转,造成某些程序没有执行。
③ 5VDC 电源的过电压和欠电压监视(5VDC±5%)。
④ CPU、COM 卡等的存储器错误。如发生存储器错误,WD 输出失电。
⑤ ESD 输入信号(手动 Shutdown,拨下上部的偏平电缆,可使所在的 CP Shutdown)。
⑥ 转动 RESET 开关,启动 FSC 系统。
3) WD 卡件采用三选二的表决机制,亦即它有三套同样的电路分别对上述系统参数进行监视。
Honeywell CC-TDIL01 数字输入板 PLC模块
1) The function of WD is to ensure that the output enters a safe state when there is a fault that may cause a dangerous situation to occur.
2) System parameters for WD monitoring include:
① The maximum execution time of an application loop. Make sure the program executes correctly and does not enter a dead loop.
The minimum execution time of an application loop. Make sure that the program executes correctly, and there is no jump, causing some programs to not execute.
③ Overvoltage and undervoltage monitoring of 5VDC power supply (5VDC±5%).
④ Memory error of CPU, COM card, etc. If a memory error occurs, the WD output loses power.
⑤ ESD input signal (manual Shutdown, pull the lower and upper offset cable, can make the CP Shutdown).
⑥ Turn the RESET switch to start the FSC system.
3) The WD card adopts a three-choice voting mechanism, that is, it has three sets of the same circuit to monitor the above system parameters.
Honeywell CC-TDIL01 数字输入板 PLC模块
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