PCI-6221 16位 多功能I/O设备
PCI-4461是一款2输入/2输出(2i/2o)数据采集(DAQ)设备,专门设计用于采集和生成声音和振动信号。它由National Instruments(NI)制造,NI是模块化仪器和数据采集解决方案的领 先供应商。PCI-4461能够精 确记录、分析和回放音频和振动数据,满足声学、振动分析和信号处理的广泛应用。
采样率高达 100 kHz:支持高达 100 kHz 的采样率,捕获声音和振动信号中的高频分量。
PCI-4461 2i/2o器件在各个领域都有应用,包括:
教育项目:为 学生 和 教育工作者 提供 一个 多功能 平台, 让他们 使用 NI 硬件 和 软件 学习 数据 采集、 信号 处理 以及 声音 和 振动 分析。
PCI-4461 模 块 的 详细 技术 规范 在 不 可 访问 NI 文档 或 直接 与 NI 联系 的情况下 不 公开。但是,根据可用信息和类似DAQ设备的典型特性,可以推断出一些通用规格:
模拟输入范围:±5 V
模拟输出范围:±10 V
采样率:高达 100 kHz
信噪比:80 dB
工作温度:0°C 至 50°C
PCI-6221 16位 多功能I/O设备
The PCI-4461 is a 2 input /2 output (2i/2o) data acquisition (DAQ) device specifically designed to capture and generate sound and vibration signals. It is manufactured by National Instruments (NI), a leading provider of modular instrumentation and data acquisition solutions. The PCI-4461 accurately records, analyzes, and plays back audio and vibration data for a wide range of applications in acoustics, vibration analysis, and signal processing.
Main features:
High-fidelity analog inputs: Two high-fidelity analog inputs with a wide dynamic range and high signal-to-noise ratio capture fine details in sound and vibration signals.
Analog outputs for signal generation: Includes two analog outputs for generating arbitrary waveforms, enabling playback of audio signals or simulation of vibration modes.
Sampling rates up to 100 kHz: Supports sampling rates up to 100 kHz to capture high-frequency components of sound and vibration signals.
Onboard signal conditioning: Integrated onboard signal conditioning features, such as gain adjustment and filtering, optimize signal quality and reduce noise.
Software support for LabVIEW and MATLAB: Compatible with NI's LabVIEW graphical programming environment and MATLAB scripting language for data acquisition, analysis and visualization.
The PCI-4461 2i/2o devices have applications in a variety of fields, including:
Acoustics: Recording, analyzing, and generating sound signals for applications such as audio signal processing, noise measurement, and speaker testing.
Vibration analysis: Measurement, analysis and simulation of vibration signals for applications such as machine condition monitoring, structural analysis and vibration control.
Signal processing: Capture, process, and generate signals for applications such as filter design, system identification, and algorithm development.
Education Program: Provides a multifunctional platform for students and educators to learn data acquisition, signal processing, and sound and vibration analysis using NI hardware and software.
Research and Development: Enables researchers to capture, analyze and manipulate sound and vibration data for a variety of research and development projects.
Technical specifications:
The detailed technical specifications of the PCI-4461 modules are not made public without access to NI documentation or direct contact with NI. However, based on the available information and typical characteristics of similar DAQ devices, some general specifications can be inferred:
Analog input range: ±5 V
Analog output range: ±10 V
Sampling rate: up to 100 kHz
Resolution: 16 bits
SNR: 80 dB
Operating temperature: 0°C to 50°C
PCI-6221 16位 多功能I/O设备
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