工控|工业|自动化进口DCS系统 机器人系统 大型伺服系统
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135489-04 超速保护模块



135489-04 超速保护模块


本特利Bently产品介绍:本特利内华达(Bently Nevada)在评估和确保工业设备的机械和热力学性能方面是的产品和服务供应商。公司在43个的主要工业中心设有100个办事处。其用户超过二万五千,分布于发电、石化以及其它众多行业.监测系统用于接收来自多种传感器的信号,并连续监测和显示重要的机器参数。当机械状态超出用户设定的界,就会激发报警信号。这些报警信号能够自动停机和/或向运行人员以及工厂中的其他人员发出机械故障警告。可选的数据采集硬件提供机械保护系统和我们的System 1状态监测软件之间的链接。关于我们的机械保护系统(3500,1701,3300和1900)和我们的数据采集硬件 (如DI,DDI,TDXnet等)的产品信息均包含在这一部分当中。本特利Bently传感器通常安装于机器内部或表面,用于测量振动、位移、转速、压力、扭矩及能量等。本特利内华达提供多种传感器,均可满足工业环境的使用要求,部分传感器在采取本质安全栅、电磁绝缘等方法后,可安装于危险地区。如果您的需求不在我们的标准产品范围内,我们还可以对已有产品进行改造,或开发出的产品,以满足您的需要。


3500/42M 位移/速度加速度监测器是一个4 通道监测器,它可以接受1到 4个来自位移、速度、速度或加速度传感器的信号,通过对这些信号的处理,它可以完成各种不同的振动和位置测量,并将处理的信号与用户编程的报警值进行比较。3500/42M 的每个通道均可以使用3500框架组态软件进行编程,完成下列各种功能: 三重冗余 三个总线型 TMR I/O 通道并联到径向振动 (TMR)  一个传感器上的有效阻抗为 50 千轴向位移  I/O:  欧差胀 偏心 功率:  正常消耗为 7.7 瓦加速度 速度 轴振动 圆形可接受区 

本特利键相器模块3500/25-01-01-003500/25 改进的键相器模块是一个半高度,2通道模块,用来为3500框架中的监视器模块提供键相位信号。本特利键相器模块3500/25-01-01-00此模块接收来自电涡流传感器或电磁式传感器的输入信号,并转换此信号为数字键相位信号,该数字信号可指示何时转轴上的键相位标记通过键相位。本特利键相器模块3500/25-01-01-003500机械保护系统可接收4个键相位信号。  注: 键相位信号是来自旋转轴或齿轮的每转一次或每转多次的脉冲信号,提供的时间测量。允许3500监测器模块和外部故障诊断设备用来测量诸如1X 幅值和相位等向量参数。 

135489-04 超速保护模块

135489-04 超速保护模块

Product Introduction:

Bently Nevada is a provider of products and services that evaluate and ensure the mechanical and thermodynamic performance of industrial equipment. The company has 100 offices in 43 major industrial centers. It has more than 25,000 users in power generation, petrochemicals and many other industries. The monitoring system is used to receive signals from a variety of sensors and continuously monitor and display important machine parameters. When the mechanical state exceeds the user-set boundary, an alarm signal is triggered. These alarm signals can automatically shut down and/or warn operators and others in the plant of mechanical failure. Optional data acquisition hardware provides a link between the mechanical protection System and our System 1 condition monitoring software. Product information about our mechanical protection systems (3500,1701,3300 and 1900) and our data acquisition hardware (e.g. DI,DDI,TDXnet, etc.) is included in this section. Bentley Bently sensors are typically installed inside or on the surface of machines to measure vibration, displacement, speed, pressure, torque and energy. Bentley Nevada offers a wide range of sensors that meet the requirements of industrial environments, and some sensors can be installed in hazardous areas with intrinsic safety barriers, electromagnetic insulation, and other methods. If your needs are not within our standard range of products, we can also modify existing products or develop products to meet your needs.

Bentley Power Module 3500/15-05-05-00 Power Supply available for ordering - AC/DC input power supply that provides compatibility across a range of voltage sources. Line noise filters are standard, and 3500 racks can be powered from a single power supply, or dual power supplies can provide redundancy in cases where power outages cannot be tolerated. Dual supplies reside in the upper and lower positions of most of the left rack slots. Redundant power supplies can use separate voltage sources. For example, the base (bottom) provides an operable 120 volt power supply while the backup (top) can provide uninterrupted 24 volt DC power supply. Each power supply can individually supply the entire rack of power and its modules. When a redundant power supply is used, one power supply acts as the primary power supply, while the other acts as a backup, ready for immediate and automatic operation as the host frame supply, without interrupting the rack function, should be the primary supply. The 3500/15 power supply module has a self-monitoring function that allows it to determine that its output voltage is within the standard range. The module uses a green color to indicate the upcoming "good supply" of LED power on the front panel. Bentley Power module 3500/15-05-05-00 New

The 3500/42M displacement/Velocity acceleration monitor is a 4-channel monitor, which can accept 1 to 4 signals from displacement, speed, speed or acceleration sensors, by processing these signals, it can complete a variety of different vibration and position measurements, and compare the processed signals with the user programmed alarm values. Each channel of 3500/42M can be programmed using the 3500 Framework configuration software to accomplish the following functions: Triple redundant three bus TMR I/O channels in parallel to a radial vibration (TMR) sensor with an effective impedance of 50 kN axial displacement I/O: differential expansion eccentric power: normal consumption of 7.7 watts Acceleration velocity axis vibration circular acceptable zone

Bentley Phaser module 3500/25-01-01/003500/25 The improved phaser module is a half-height, 2-channel module designed to provide a key phase signal to the monitor module in the 3500 frame. Bentley Key phaser Module 3500/25-01-01-00 This module receives an input signal from an eddy current sensor or an electromagnetic sensor and converts this signal to a digital key phase signal that indicates when the key phase marker on the rotating shaft passes through the key phase. Bentley Phaser Module 3500/25-01-01-003500 Mechanical protection system can receive 4 key phase signals. Note: The key phase signal is a pulse signal from the rotating shaft or gear for each turn or multiple turns, providing a time measurement. Allows 3500 monitor modules and external fault diagnosis equipment to measure vector parameters such as 1X amplitude and phase.

135489-04 超速保护模块







