工控|工业|自动化进口DCS系统 机器人系统 大型伺服系统
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产品展示 》 AB 》 2093-AC05-MP5 是 Kinetix 2000 集成轴模块 (IAM)

2093-AC05-MP5 是 Kinetix 2000 集成轴模块 (IAM)



2093-AC05-MP5 是 Kinetix 2000 集成轴模块 (IAM)

Allen-Bradley 2093-AC05-MP5 是 Kinetix 2000 集成轴模块 (IAM)。该模块是 200 V 级模块,输入电压范围为 170-264 VAC,3 相沿 47-63 Hz 的输入频率。它的输入电流要求为 11.66(标称值),zui大浪涌电流为 34.0 A。

2093-AC05-MP5 集成轴模块的输出特性包括 325 VDC 总线输出电压;9.67 A 总线连续输出电流;19.34 A 到母线的间歇输出电流;母线的连续输出功率为 3.0 kW,母线的峰值输出功率为 6.0 kW。它的效率为95%。2093-AC05-MP5 检测总线过压 425 VDC,而总线欠压 @ 137.5 VDC。

2093-AC05-MP5 是一个集成轴模块 (IAM),安装在电源轨的zui左侧。后续或相邻的模块必须通过确定电源利用率或额定电流的水平来安装诸如轴模块、分流模块、槽填充器等模块。

2093-AC05-MP5 前面板安装了各种组件。它具有多种端子排,例如接触器使能 (CED) 连接器;控制电源 (CPD) 连接器;主电源 (IPD) 连接器;电机制动器 (BC) 连接器;电机电源 (MP) 连接器;I/O 和机器反馈 (IOD/AF) 连接器和电机反馈 (MF) 连接器。它还具有 LED 状态指示灯、驱动器状态 LED、COMM 状态 LED 和总线状态 LED 以及七段故障状态显示屏。

串行实时通信系统 (SERCOS) 连接器位于模块顶部。SERCOS 接收 (Rx) 连接器和 SERCOS 发送 (Tx) 连接器彼此相邻,而 SERCOS 波特率和光功率开关以及 SERCOS 节点开关位于 7 段显示器旁边。

2093-AC05-MP5 是一款集成轴模块, 输入电压范围为 170- 264VAC rms,输入频率范围为 47-63 Hz, 输入电压,dc(公共总线跟随器)为 240V-375 VDC 输入电流,dc(公共母线跟随器)为 6.42 A 三相电源输入,标称总线输出电压为 325Vdc,连续功率输出到总线为 3.0KW, 峰值功率输出为6.0KW,效率为95%,转换器电容为540 NF。2093-AC05-MP5 配备 IAM 逆变器电源,带宽速度环路为 500Hz,与大多数 2093 IAM 系列相似,标称输入电压为 325V dc,连续电流 (rms) 为 3.0 A,高于该系列中的 MP1 和 MP2。峰值电流(均方根为 6.0 A 和峰值输出电流时间,从 0% 驱动器利用率(0% 浸泡)起zui长 3 秒。与该系列其他产品一样,它的效率为 98%,与 MP 系列的其他产品一样,电容为 200 NF,电容能量吸收为 7.5 J。

2093-AC05-MP5 与 2093-AC05-MP1 和 2093-AC05-MP2 等系列中的其他 MP 一样,带有一个独特的分流模块 (2093-ASP06),与该系列中的其他产品不同,2093-AC05-MP5 的辅助控制功率为 0.90 A。2093-AC05-MP5 的主电源和控制电源输入是 264V 交流三相,它还配有直流公共母线保险丝,接触器额定值为 264V 交流三相。控制电源输入的变压器规格具有 500VA 的输入伏安、230V ac 的输入电压和 240V ac 的输出电压,与该系列中的其他 MP 类似。战俘er 2093-AC05-MP5 功率转换器的功耗规格(以额定功率输出(瓦特)的百分比表示,三相分别为 20% (7.0)、40%(10.5)、60%(14.0)、80%(17.4)、100%(20.9),单相为 20%(5.8)、40%(8.0)、60%(10.3)、80%(12.6)、100%(14.8)。2093-AC05-MP5 电源逆变器的功耗占额定功率输出(瓦特)的百分比分别为 20% (31.6)、40%(33.6)、60%(35.6)、80%(37.6)、100%(39.6)。

2093-AC05-MP5 还为该系列的所有成员配备了相同的环境规格,环境温度为工作(0 至 50 摄氏度(32 至 22 华氏度))和非工作(-40 至 85 摄氏度(-40 至 85 华氏度)))模式,相对湿度为工作(5 至 95% 非冷凝)和非工作(5 至 95% 非冷凝)模式。振动为 5...55 Hz @ 0.35 mm (0.014 in.) 双振幅,连续位移;55...500 Hz @ 2.0 g 峰值恒定加速度和 15 g 冲击、11 ms 半正弦脉冲(3 个相互垂直方向的每个方向上 3 个脉冲)和 B31:DSP 和 SERCOS 引脚,防尘和防潮 1B73LSE:电源轨连接器引脚、转换器、逆变器、分流器、电源轨和槽填充 PCB 组件,清除 UL 爬电距离和间隙问题以及保形涂层。它还具有 1.32 (2.9) Kg/Ibs 的重量,以及 4 mm2 (10 AWG) 推荐线径的线路过滤器 (2090-XXLF-TC316 (Tesch NF310-16))。

2093-AC05-MP5 是 Kinetix 2000 集成轴模块 (IAM)

2093-AC05-MP5 是 Kinetix 2000 集成轴模块 (IAM)

Allen-Bradley 2093-AC05-MP5 is the Kinetix 2000 Integrated Axis Module (IAM). The module is a 200 V class module with an input voltage range of 170-264 VAC and a 3-phase input frequency of 47-63 Hz. It requires an input current of 11.66 (nominal value) and a maximum surge current of 34.0A.

The output features of the 2093-AC05-MP5 integrated shaft module include 325 VDC bus output voltage; 9.67A bus continuous output current; 19.34A intermittent output current to the bus; The continuous output power of the bus is 3.0 kW, and the peak output power of the bus is 6.0 kW. It is 95% efficient. 2093-AC05-MP5 detects a bus overvoltage of 425 VDC and a bus undervoltage of @ 137.5 VDC.

The 2093-AC05-MP5 is an Integrated shaft module (IAM) mounted on the far left side of the power rail. Subsequent or adjacent modules must install modules such as shaft modules, shunt modules, slot fillers, etc. by determining the level of power utilization or rated current.

The 2093-AC05-MP5 front panel is equipped with various components. It has a variety of terminal blocks, such as contactor Enable (CED) connectors; Control power supply (CPD) connector; Main power supply (IPD) connector; Motor brake (BC) connector; Motor power supply (MP) connector; I/O and Machine Feedback (IOD/AF) connectors and Motor feedback (MF) connectors. It also features LED status indicators, driver status leds, COMM status leds, and bus status leds, as well as a seven-segment fault status display.

The Serial Real-time Communication System (SERCOS) connector is located on top of the module. The SERCOS Receive (Rx) connector and SERCOS Transmit (Tx) connector are adjacent to each other, while the SERCOS baud rate and optical power switch and the SERCOS node switch are located next to the 7-segment display.

The 2093-AC05-MP5 is an integrated shaft module with input voltage range 170-264VAC rms, input frequency range 47-63 Hz, input voltage, dc (Common bus Follower) input current of 240V-375 VDC, dc (common bus Follower) is 6.42A three-phase power input, nominal bus output voltage is 325Vdc, continuous power output to the bus is 3.0KW, peak power output is 6.0KW, efficiency is 95%, and converter capacitance is 540 NF. The 2093-AC05-MP5 features an IAM inverter power supply with A bandwidth speed loop of 500Hz, similar to most 2093 IAM series, a nominal input voltage of 325V dc and a continuous current (rms) of 3.0 A, higher than MP1 and MP2 in the series. Peak current (RMS 6.0 A) and peak output current time, up to 3 seconds from 0% driver utilization (0% soak). Like the rest of the series, it has an efficiency of 98%, and like the rest of the MP series, it has a capacitance of 200 NF and a capacitor energy absorption of 7.5J.

The 2093-AC05-MP5, like other MPS in the series 2093-AC05-MP1 and 2093-AC05-MP2, comes with a unique shunt module (2093-ASP06) that, unlike other products in the series, The 2093-AC05-MP5 has an auxiliary control power of 0.90A. The 2093-AC05-MP5's main and control power inputs are 264V AC three-phase, and it also has a DC common bus fuse with a contactor rating of 264V AC three-phase. The transformer specification that controls the power input has an input voltamere of 500VA, an input voltage of 230V ac, and an output voltage of 240V ac, similar to other MPS in the series. The power consumption specifications of the POW er 2093-AC05-MP5 power converter (expressed as a percentage of rated power output (watts), the three phases are 20% (7.0), 40% (10.5), 60% (14.0), 80% (17.4), 100% (20.9), respectively. Single-phase is 20% (5.8), 40% (8.0), 60% (10.3), 80% (12.6), 100% (14.8). The power consumption of the 2093-AC05-MP5 power inverter as a percentage of the rated power output (watt) is 20% (31.6), 40% (33.6), 60% (35.6), 80% (37.6), 100% (39.6).

The 2093-AC05-MP5 also comes with the same environmental specifications for all members of the series, with ambient temperatures in working (0 to 50 degrees Celsius (32 to 22 degrees Fahrenheit)) and non-working (-40 to 85 degrees Celsius (-40 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit)) modes. Relative humidity is in working (5 to 95% non-condensing) and non-working (5 to 95% non-condensing) modes. The vibration is 5... 55 Hz@0.35mm (0.014 in.) double amplitude, continuous displacement; 55... 500 Hz @ 2.0g peak constant acceleration and 15 g shock, 11 ms half-sinusoidal pulses (3 pulses in each direction of 3 mutually perpendicular directions) and B31: DSP and SERCOS pins, dust and moisture resistance 1B73LSE: Power rail connector pins, converters, inverters, shunts, power rails and slots fill PCB assemblies to remove UL creepage distance and clearance issues as well as conformal coatings. It also has a weight of 1.32 (2.9) Kg/Ibs, and a line filter (2090-XXLF-TC316 (Tesch NF310-16) with a recommended wire diameter of 4 mm2 (10 AWG).

2093-AC05-MP5 是 Kinetix 2000 集成轴模块 (IAM)

MOOG G771K201 H04FOFA4V14
ABB 3X47UFPBAE10A01 3BHB024711R0020
EPRO PR6423/010-130+CON021

2093-AC05-MP5 是 Kinetix 2000 集成轴模块 (IAM)







