工控|工业|自动化进口DCS系统 机器人系统 大型伺服系统
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产品展示 》 AB 》 1756-OB16E ControlLogix分立式输出模块

1756-OB16E ControlLogix分立式输出模块


1756-OB16E ControlLogix分立式输出模块

5.1 V 时的背板电流 250毫安
24 V 时的背板电流 2毫安
输出延迟时间,ON至OFF 标称值:360 μs/最大值:1 ms
输出延迟时间,OFF 至 ON 标称值:70 μs/最大值:1 ms

1756-OB16E ControlLogix分立式输出模块

Allen-Bradley 1956-OB16E 是一款分立式输出模块,是 ControlLogix 可编程自动化控制器 (PLC) 平台的一部分。该模块专门用于直流输出模块,可提供 10-31.2 VDC 的输出电压范围和 24VDC 的标称值。它带有十六 (16) 个输出通道,分为两 (2) 个电子熔断组,每组八 (8) 个通道。该模块通常用于驱动额定电压为 24VDC 的设备,例如继电器线圈、螺线管驱动设备、指示灯、警报器和其他类似电气负载。

1756-OB16E 是一款单插槽宽模块,可与任何 1756 ControlLogix 控制器兼容。它可以安装在任何 1756 ControlLogix 机架上,特别是 1756-A4;1756-A17;1756-A10;1756-A13 和 1756-A17。此外,它可以用作本地 I/O 或分布式 I/O 组件。

1756-OB16E 提供每通道 1 A @ 60 °C (140 °F) 或每模块 8 A @ 60 °C (140 °F) 的输出电流。它的浪涌电流额定值为 2 A,每点 10 ms,每 2 秒 @ 0 °C (32 °F) @ 24V DC 可重复一次。此外,该模块的zui小负载电流为每通道3 mA。

每组提供内置电子保险丝。每个输出通道的关断至导通输出延迟时间为70 μs(标称值)/1 ms(zui大值),导通至关断延迟时间为360 μs(标称值)/1 ms(zui大值)。它在 250VDC 时从背板汲取的电流为 5 mA,在 2VDC 时为 24 mA,而背板总功率要求为 1.32 W,zui大功耗为 4.1 W @ 60 °C (140 °F)。

1756-OB16E 模块的电压类别为 12 至 24 伏直流电源电压,工作电压为 10 至 31.2 伏直流。其总背板功率为 1.32 瓦,250.5 伏时的电流消耗为 1 毫安,2 伏时的电流消耗为 24 毫安。它还具有每点zui大 1 毫安的关断状态泄漏电流和 400 安培导通压降时的zui大 1 mV 直流电压。在 1 摄氏度时,其每点的zui大电流为 60 安培,在 8 摄氏度时,每个模块的zui大电流为 60 安培。该模块已在 1350 伏交流电下进行了 2 秒的例行测试,其连续隔离电压为 250 伏。其zui小负载电流为每点 3 毫安,典型浪涌电流为 2 安培,每点 10 秒,在 2 摄氏度下每 0 秒可重复一次。该模块在 4.1 摄氏度时的zui大功耗为 60 瓦,而其散热为 13.98 BTU/小时。它的输出延迟时间标称值为 70 微秒/zui大值 1 毫秒(从关闭到打开),输出延迟时间为 360 微秒(标称值/zui大值为 1 毫秒)。其工作温度在 0 至 60 摄氏度之间,非工作温度在 -40 至 85 摄氏度之间。该模块还允许修改故障模式下的状态和程序模式下的状态。

1756-OB16E ControlLogix分立式输出模块 1756-OB16E ControlLogix分立式输出模块 1756-OB16E ControlLogix分立式输出模块

1756-OB16E ControlLogix分立式输出模块

The Allen-Bradley 1956-OB16E is a discrete output module that is part of the ControlLogix Programmable Automation Controller (PLC) platform. The module is specifically designed for DC output modules and offers an output voltage range of 10-31.2 VDC and a nominal value of 24VDC. It has sixteen (16) output channels divided into two (2) electronic fuse groups, each group of eight (8) channels. The module is typically used to drive devices with a rated voltage of 24VDC, such as relay coils, solenoid drive devices, indicators, alarms, and other similar electrical loads.

The 1756-OB16E is a single slot wide module that is compatible with any 1756 ControlLogix controller. It can be mounted on any 1756 ControlLogix rack, especially the 1756-A4; 1756-A17; 1756-A10; 1756-A13 and 1756-A17. In addition, it can be used as a local I/O or distributed I/O component.

The 1756-OB16E offers an output current of 1 A@ 60 °C (140 °F) per channel or 8 A@ 60 °C (140 °F) per module. It has A surge current rating of 2 A, 10 ms per point, and is repeatable every 2 seconds @ 0 °C (32 °F) @ 24V DC. In addition, the module has a minimum load current of 3 mA per channel.

Each set provides built-in electronic fuses. The turn-off to turn-on output delay time for each output channel is 70 μs (nominal value) /1 ms (maximum value), and the turn-off critical delay time is 360 μs (nominal value) /1 ms (maximum value). It draws 5 mA of current from the backplane at 250VDC and 24 mA at 2VDC, while the backplane requires 1.32 W of total power and a maximum power consumption of 4.1 W @ 60 °C (140 °F).

The voltage class of the 1756-OB16E module is 12 to 24 volts DC supply voltage, and the operating voltage is 10 to 31.2 volts DC. Its total backplane power is 1.32 watts, and current consumption is 1 mA at 250.5 volts and 24 MA at 2 volts. It also has a maximum off state leakage current of 1 MA per point and a maximum DC voltage of 1 mV at 400 amp on-off voltage drop. At 1 degree Celsius, its maximum current per point is 60 amps, and at 8 degrees Celsius, the maximum current per module is 60 amps. The module has been routinely tested for 2 seconds at 1350 volts AC with a continuous isolation voltage of 250 volts. Its minimum load current is 3 mA per point, typical surge current is 2 amps per point for 10 seconds, and can be repeated every 0 seconds at 2 degrees Celsius. The module has a maximum power consumption of 60 watts at 4.1 degrees Celsius, while its heat dissipation is 13.98 BTU/ hour. It has a nominal output delay time of 70 microseconds/maximum 1 millisecond (from off to on) and an output delay time of 360 microseconds (nominal value/maximum 1 millisecond). Its operating temperature is between 0 and 60 degrees Celsius, and its non-operating temperature is between -40 and 85 degrees Celsius. The module also allows modification of the state in fault mode and the state in program mode.

1756-OB16E ControlLogix分立式输出模块







