HONEYWELL R7247C1001 固态插件响应火焰探测器
R7247C1001:以下数据在状态字EW 07,15中不断更新:-位0:此位对独立PLC、主PLC和从PLC都有效。位0 = 1,没有类2的错误。位0 = 0,有一个类2的错误。–位1:此位仅对从属PLC有效。位1 = 1,采用从PLC进入主PLC的总线周期。位1 = 0,从PLC不进入主PLC的总线周期。
R7247C1001:-位2 = 1,实时时钟的日期和时间有效。–位3 = 1,电池有效。–位4 7不使用-第8位…15:自上次开机或上次冷启动以来,主PLC的CS31总线循环中存在的zui大远程模块数量。它们的数量可能大于CS31总线周期中当前存在的远程模块的数量。B4.10错误字标志的内容的含义
HONEYWELL R7247C1001 固态插件响应火焰探测器
R7247C1001: The following data is constantly updated in the status word EW 07,15: -Bit 0: This bit is valid for independent PLC, master PLC, and slave PLC. Bit 0 = 1, no class 2 errors. Bit 0 = 0, there is a class 2 error. - Bit 1: This bit is valid only for slave PLCS. Bit 1 = 1, using the bus cycle from the PLC into the main PLC. Bit 1 = 0, the bus cycle from the PLC does not enter the main PLC.
R7247C1001: - bit 2 = 1, the date and time of the real-time clock are valid. - If bit 3 is 1, the battery is valid. - Bit 4 7 Not used - bit 8... 15: The maximum number of remote modules present in the CS31 bus cycle of the main PLC since the last boot or cold start. The number of them may be greater than the number of remote modules that currently exist in the CS31 bus cycle. B4.10 Meaning of the content of the error word flag
HONEYWELL R7247C1001 固态插件响应火焰探测器
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