GE DS3800NBIC 电路板上有 12 个晶体管
该DS3800NBIC由通用电气创建。它被制造为Mark IV Speedtronic涡轮机控制系列的一部分。DS3800NBIC是桥接接口电路板。该DS3800NBIC由通用电气(GE)生产。
该DS3800HBIC有 26 个集成电路,其中包含许多小型电气元件,如二极管、电容器和电阻器。电路板上有 12 个晶体管,标有参考指示符 Q,从 Q4 到 Q15。参考标志Q从Q1到Q3还标识了另外三个晶体管,总共15个晶体管。DS3800NBIC的一端有一个连接器端口,可以将额外的电路板或组件添加到DS3800NBIC中。DS3800NB1C上还有各种不同形状和尺寸的电容器。DS3800NBIC上有几个抵抗网络。
每个电阻网络内部都有一组电阻器。电阻网络的总电阻是通过将内部每个电阻的电阻相加来找到的。DS3800NBIC还具有不属于电阻网络的附加电阻器。每个电阻器上都有不同颜色的带,象征着每个器件的电阻值。DS3800NBIC上还有黑色和蓝色的二极管。DS3800NBIC包含一系列带有蓝色跳线的跳线引脚。使用这些跳线,可以连接两个引脚,从而对电路板进行更改。DS3800NBIC有 24 个测试点排列在一侧。有了这些测试点,DS3800NBIC进行测试,以确保零件没有问题。DS3800NBIC还有一个发光二极管,也称为LED。
GE DS3800NBIC 电路板上有 12 个晶体管
Product description
The DS3800NBIC was created by General Electric. It is manufactured as part of the Mark IV Speedtronic turbine control series. The DS3800NBIC is a bridge interface circuit board. The DS3800NBIC is manufactured by General Electric (GE).
The DS3800HBIC has 26 integrated circuits containing many small electrical components such as diodes, capacitors and resistors. There are 12 transistors on the board, marked with the reference indicator Q, from Q4 to Q15. The reference mark Q also identifies three more transistors from Q1 to Q3, for a total of 15 transistors. One end of the DS3800NBIC has a connector port that allows additional circuit boards or components to be added to the DS3800NBIC. There are also capacitors of various shapes and sizes on the DS3800NB1C. There are several resistant networks on DS3800NBIC.
Inside each resistance network is a set of resistors. The total resistance of the resistance network is found by adding the resistance of each resistor within it. The DS3800NBIC also has additional resistors that are not part of the resistance network. Each resistor has a different color band on it, symbolizing the resistance value of each device. There are also black and blue diodes on the DS3800NBIC. The DS3800NBIC contains a series of jumper pins with blue jumpers. Using these jumpers, two pins can be connected to make changes to the board. The DS3800NBIC has 24 test points arranged on one side. With these test points, the DS3800NBIC is tested to ensure that there are no problems with the parts. The DS3800NBIC also has a light-emitting diode, also known as an LED.
GE DS3800NBIC 电路板上有 12 个晶体管
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