工控|工业|自动化进口DCS系统 机器人系统 大型伺服系统
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产品展示 》 Foxboro 》 P0400VP-CMP10 FOXBORO 通信处理器模块

P0400VP-CMP10 FOXBORO 通信处理器模块


P0400VP-CMP10 FOXBORO 通信处理器模块

品牌 FOXBORO 规格 16*25*12 物料编码 2348564885 颜色 标准 输出频率 45 特点 高效 工作温度 0至85摄氏度 加工定制 否 湿度 0-95% 应用 工业 电流 56 mA 处理器速度 26MHz 重量 0.16千克 是否进口 是 可售卖地 北京;天津;河北;山西;内蒙古;辽宁;吉林;黑龙江;上海;江苏;浙江;安徽;福建;江西;山东;河南;湖北;湖南;广东;广西;海南;重庆;四川;贵州;云南;西藏;陕西;甘肃;青海;宁夏;新疆 型号 P0400VP-CMP10

P0400VP-CMP10 FOXBORO 通信处理器模块





P0400VP-CMP10 FOXBORO 通信处理器模块

The third type is interference from the ground system confusion. Grounding is one of the effective means to improve electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of electronic equipment. Correct grounding can restrain the influence of electromagnetic interference and restrain the interference from the equipment. The wrong grounding will introduce serious interference signals, so that the PLC system can not work normally. The ground of the PLC control system includes the system ground, shielding ground, alternating ground and protection ground, etc. The disturbance of the grounding system to the PLC system is mainly the uneven distribution of the potential of each ground point, and the potential difference between different ground points causes the ground loop current, affecting the normal operation of the system. For example, the cable shield layer must be grounded at one point. If A and B at both ends of the cable shield layer are grounded, there is a ground potential difference and current flows through the shield layer. When an abnormal state, such as a lightning strike, occurs, the ground current will be larger.

In addition, the shielding layer, grounding wire and earth may form a closed loop, and under the action of changing magnetic fields, induced current will appear in the shielding layer, which interferes with the signal loop through the coupling between the shielding layer and the core wire. If the system is confused with other grounding, the resulting ground circulation may produce unequal potential distribution on the ground wire, affecting the normal operation of the logic circuit and analog circuit in the PLC. The logic voltage interference tolerance of PLC is low, and the distribution interference of the logic ground potential is easy to affect the logic operation and data storage of PLC, resulting in data confusion, program flying or crash. The distribution of simulated ground potential will lead to the decrease of measurement accuracy, and cause serious distortion and misoperation of signal measurement and control.

Interference from within the PLC system. It is mainly generated by the mutual electromagnetic radiation between the internal components and circuits of the system, such as the mutual radiation of logic circuits, the mutual influence of analog and logic, and the mutual mismatch between components. This all belong to the PLC manufacturer's electromagnetic compatibility design content inside the system, more complex, as an application department can not be changed, you do not have to think too much, but to choose a system with more application performance or tested.

In order to ensure that the system is protected from or reduced from internal and external electromagnetic interference in the industrial electromagnetic environment, three suppression measures must be taken from the design stage: suppressing the source of interference, cutting off or attenuating the transmission path of electromagnetic interference, and improving the anti-interference ability of the device and system. These three points are the basic principles of suppressing electromagnetic interference. The anti-interference of PLC control system is a system engineering, requiring manufacturing units to design and produce products with strong anti-interference ability, and depends on the use of the department in the engineering design, installation, construction and operation and maintenance to be fully considered, and combined with the specific situation of the comprehensive design, in order to ensure the electromagnetic compatibility and operational reliability of the system. In the anti-interference design of specific projects, the following two aspects should be paid attention to.







