TRICONEX 3533E 八通道模拟量输出模块
TRICONEX 3533E微控制器是一种内部集成了各种组件的IC,因此被设计为专门作为单芯片系统运行。微控制器包括ALU、CU、寄存器、RAM、ROM、I/O端口、定时器和计数器等。
TRICONEX 3533E像微处理器一样,微控制器也根据数据的大小进行分类它在其上运行一个周期。
正如我们已经讨论过的,微控制器内部有专门的存储单元,用来保存系统必须运行的特定代码或程序。这就是为什么微控制器被认为是专门为一个专用系统而设计的。因为对于通用系统,TRICONEX 3533E实际上不可能改变存储在微控制器内部的存储单元中的程序。
The TRICONEX 3533E microcontroller is an IC that integrates various components internally and is therefore designed to operate exclusively as a single-chip system. Microcontrollers include ALU, CU, registers, RAM, ROM, I/O ports, timers and counters.
So, the operation that needs to be performed exists inside the memory unit (EPROM/EEPROM) in the microcontroller itself. Microcontroller-based systems save external memory only when the internal memory is insufficient to hold data or programs.
Whenever the system generates the need to execute a program, the PC generates the address of the instruction to be retrieved. When the control unit generates a control signal, the system's internal bus obtains data or programs. After extraction, the decoding unit decodes the instructions, and the ALU executes the decoded instructions.
TRICONEX 3533E Like the microprocessor, the microcontroller is also classified according to the size of the data it runs on for one cycle.
As we've already discussed, microcontrollers have dedicated storage units inside them that hold specific code or programs that the system must run. This is why microcontrollers are considered to be specifically designed for a dedicated system. Because for general-purpose systems, it is practically impossible for the TRICONEX 3533E to change the programs stored in the storage unit inside the microcontroller.