8307A 3505E DI2301 2752 Triconex 扩展/RXM机架电源
1 TRICON系统安装应具备的条件1)机柜基础型钢已安装完毕。
1 Conditions for installing the TRICON system 1) The cabinet base steel has been installed.
2) Indoor construction is completed and debris is cleaned up.
3) The air conditioning system has been installed and debugging, and is in normal operation, and the indoor temperature and humidity meet the system requirements.
4) The UPS uninterruptible power supply and indoor lighting have all been completed and put into normal operation.
5) The grounding pole and the grounding system bus have been completed, and the grounding resistance meets the design requirements.
6) The control room has closed management conditions, indoor attached public facilities.
7) Sanitary cleaning tools, vacuum cleaners, fire extinguishing appliances and rodent prevention appliances are ready.